Do Extensions Damage Your Hair?

Hair extensions have long been associated with the misconception that they are damaging to your natural hair. However, there are many types of extension methods and not all methods are created equal. Actually, certain techniques, such as hand-tied methods, can actually promote healthy hair growth while giving you the length and volume you desire!

Let’s go over different methods and what makes them damaging: 

Tape In Extensions are applied to the hair with a glue type of adhesive and normally a ton of heat. The band of adhesive is thick and plastic like. So not only is it hard to blend in with your natural hair, but also is causing damage by pulling on the root and not letting the hair move freely. Then when trying to remove the extensions, chemicals and heat are applied then peeling away the plastic band. So damaging all around. 

Keratin Bonded Extensions fall into line between Tape Ins and I-Tips. This method is using micro sections of the hair while bonding the extensions using adhesive and extreme heat. As the extensions grow out, the hair twists and turns causing mats and breakage. Because the application and removal process is very extensive, most of the time you are going 12-13 weeks between appointments. Removing the bonds uses a lot of chemicals and heat just like Tape Ins. 

I-Tips Extensions are pretty popular currently. This method is applied using very small sections of hair and connecting the extension hair on with a bead. These beads are placed all around the head, most of the time being underneath the top of the hair. Sometimes these beads are placed on the base of the scalp and around the ears. This can cause lots of damage because the hair is so fine and fragile in these areas and are so hard to blend when trying to wear your hair up. When the I-Tips grow out, the hair is matting and tangling above the bead. During most maintenance appointments of I-Tips, the beads are moved up the hair strand causing more matting and breakage. 

Clip in Extensions are the classic quick fix for thicker, longer hair. These types of extensions have come a long way, but wearing clip-in extensions for an extended period of time can cause lots of damage. Where the clips are applied over and over, the hair can become brittle and even break off causing bald spots. Brushing and Styling the extensions while in your hair can cause a lot of tension on the hair holding the extensions which can leave a lot of damage. 

Hand-Tied methods using wefts are the new popular method. There are so many variations of these methods and every method has a different application and removal process. There are a couple factors that can cause damage in these methods. The placement of the beads or wefts can be too heavy on fragile parts of the hair. Coloring the hair and extensions at the same time can cause the natural hair to over process because the extension hair takes longer to lift. Moving the extensions up normally is done by just loosening the metal bead and sliding it up the strands of hair causing matting and damage.

After wearing and learning many extension methods over the years, we found the best extension methods that not only look the most natural but also the least damaging! At She Bangin’ Salon, we provide IBE (Invisible Beaded Extensions) and NBR (Natural Beaded Rows). These methods have a foundation of a beaded track and let the hair move and disperse the weight of the extensions evenly on your head preventing damage! These methods work on all hair types and can blend with natural hair seamlessly. Learning that you can have the hair of your dreams while your natural hair is able to grow strong and healthy is the most important factor for us. Our clients’ integrity of their natural hair is our number one priority and will always be!

Do you want to start your journey with luxury hair extensions? Click HERE to schedule your free phone consultation where we talk about your natural hair, your dream hair, and how we can achieve that!

Xoxo, She Bangin’ Salon


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